This privacy policy is part of the general privacy policy of and applies to the application Duplicate AI: Find Duplicates, Merge Issues for JIRA for Atlassian Jira / Jira Service Management.

What data do we collect?

Your Cloud Instance (stored)

In order to operate, we collect and store:

  • Your Cloud Instance’s Base URL (e.g.
  • An Access Token issued by Atlassian and used to authenticate as “Duplicate AI” with your Cloud Instance.

Metadata of Issues & Projects (stored)

In order to operate we store the following Metadata:

  • Issue Key
  • Project Key

We do not store Issue or Project content such as “description” or “summary”.

Content of Issues (only processed - not stored)

In order to operate, we process the following Issue content:

  • Issue key
  • Project Key
  • Summary
  • Description
  • Other fields

We do not store this data besides what is mentioned in the Metadata section.

How do we collect your data?

  • Data on your Atlassian Cloud instance is collected upon installation.
  • Issue data is collected every time ..
    • a new Issue is created.
    • an Issue is updated.
    • a user opens an Issue and the Issue had not yet been processed.

How will we use your data?

  • Your Atlassian Cloud instance data is used to interact with the Atlassian REST API, in order to ..
    • fetch Issue data in order to analyze their similarity.
    • update Issues (e.g. merge two duplicates).
  • Your Issue Data (mainly summary and description) is used to calculate various similarity metrics between issues and from that identify various types of duplicates.


Issue Similarity

   "_id": {
       "$oid": "6044f67a0fbe2ad1d11bf6d7"
   "clientKey": "135eb702-156c-2b67-b9d0-a0c975487af5",
   "connectedApplicationType": "jira",
   "projectKey": "TEST",
   "doc1key": "TEST-1",
   "doc2key": "TEST-8",
   "tfIdfSimilarityScore": 0.04077705530880231,
   "isAboveThreshold": false,
   "calculationDate": {
       "$date": "2021-03-24T20:02:58.938Z"
   "doc1_Metadata": {
       "titleLength": 34,
       "textLength": 509
   "doc2_Metadata": {
       "titleLength": 62,
       "textLength": 4192
   "additionalSimilarity": {
       "Title_LevenshteinDistance": 48,
       "Title_LevenshteinDistance100": 34,
       "Title_PartialStringSimilarity100": 41,
       "Text_TokenSetSimilarity100": 36,
       "Title_TokenSetSimilarity100": 48

Suggested Duplicates

   "_id": {
       "$oid": "60492b4ff1341223ea090092"
   "connectedApplicationType": "jira",
   "clientKey": "135eb702-156c-2b67-b9d0-a0c975487af5",
   "projectKey": "TEST",
   "doc1key": "TEST-9",
   "doc2key": "TEST-10",
   "type": "Email",
   "calculationDate": {
       "$date": "2021-03-26T16:36:51.665Z"
   "direction": "2",
   "scoreSummary": "100.0%",
   "similarityReference": {
       "$oid": "6047a0940fbe2ad1d11cbe61"
   "reasonAndMetric": [{
       "reason": "Title Substring",
       "metricScore": "98%"
   }, {
       "reason": "Title TokenSet",
       "metricScore": "100%"
   }, {
       "reason": "Description TokenSet",
       "metricScore": "98%"

How will we store your data?

We host our services with Digitalocean, MongoDB Atlas and AWS and our servers are located in:

What are cookies (and local storage) and how do we use them?

Our apps use cookies and a similar feature called local storage. These features allow our apps to temporarily store data on your own and your customers’ browser.

We use these features ONLY for ..

  • Logging your users into “Duplicate AI”. This happens automatically when they use JIRA and access “Duplicate AI”.
  • Fetching Similarity & Duplicates data from our servers.